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Hypnosis to Counteract Stress ✅

Hypnosis helps even if everything else fails.

James Braid

The Anti-Stress-Hypnosis

Negative stress is usually the outcome of individual perception and the resulting assessment of the situation. If you don’t like driving, you will find the daily commute to work stressful. It is how you individually assess the situation. And this is exactly where hypnosis comes in. Hypnosis helps you to make a lasting change in your perception and reaction. You don’t have to do anything consciously. The change takes place during hypnosis in your subconscious. But how exactly does this happen?

During hypnosis, neurons in your brain are reconnected. This changes how you assess the situation. You become calmer. In the case of your daily drive to work, the previous connection of “drive = stress” is dissolved and you can suddenly use the drive to relax and set the mood for the day ahead or the end of work. This creates the connection “drive = relaxation”. You can transfer this principle to any kind of stressors. Your everyday life becomes more relaxing for you this way. You now perceive the same situations more calmly and can often even ease into them.

Do You Have to Make a Change to Your External Circumstances?

Because hypnosis works from the inside, you usually don’t need to change your external circumstances. The new connections of the neurons in the brain alone can be enough to reduce the feeling of stress and even replace it with a feeling of peacefulness. That is how stressors disappear – not because you ban them from your everyday life, but because you no longer view them as such after a successful stress hypnosis session.

This is one of the reasons why hypnosis for stress management is becoming increasingly popular. It fits today’s requirements. Anyone who wants to find a balance between family, work, friends and hobbies in this day and age will inevitably have a full plate. Even with well-organized days, little can be changed about this.

The Difference Between Other Relaxation Methods and Hypnosis

Classic relaxation methods such as autogenic training or Jacobson’s relaxation technique are often recommended for combatting stress. There is absolutely nothing wrong with these methodologies. However, the relaxation you experience in such procedures is limited to the very moment they are used on you.

Hypnosis, on the other hand, creates new, lasting connections in the brain, i.e. they’re not temporary. Your subconscious reacts more calmly to one and the same situation and stays that way, without any action needed on your part. Whether you have annoying bosses and colleagues, deadlines, a household to manage, or the quirks of your partner to deal with – what stressed you yesterday, you can now easily master today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, all the while keeping your cool. Say goodbye to stress for good!

Hypnosis for stress management – unwind and feel your inner peace.

Hypnocoaching is not a substitute for medical treatment. We do not diagnose any diseases or administer any medication. Everyone reacts differently to hypnosis, results can therefore vary. If you are currently being treated medically, you should not stop treatment without consulting your doctor beforehand.

In alphabetical order (A-Z)

Hypnose Coach Nicole Arzt M. A. 10117 Berlin Mitte
90431 Nuremberg




Nicole Arzt M. A.

Fee: € 500 VAT included
Initial consultation + 2x hypnosis

Hypnose Coach Karsten Gall Dipl. 97421 Schweinfurt




Karsten Gall Dipl.

Fee: € 90 VAT included
One coaching session lasts up to 60 minutes

Hypnosis in Berlin: Mathias Iliesiu Hypnocoach 10117 Berlin Mitte





Mathias Iliesiu B. A.

Fee: on request

4.3 out of 5 stars (based on 3 reviews)

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I felt the effect right away.

In the evening after my session, I fell asleep in front of the TV. The last time that happened to me was more than 30 years ago.


Pros and cons

+ hypnotic effect, competence, sympathy

– Waiting time until hypnosis appointment

Bernd Richter

So impressed with the results

Was very skeptical at first. Is hypnosis for me? In the end, my hypnosis has exceeded my expectations

Elke 071277

Hypnosis to Counteract Stress - Review by Philipp
(English Subtitles Available)

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