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Change Behavior With Hypnosis

Hypnosis helps even if everything else fails.

James Braid

Changing Your Behavior Is Easier Said Than Done

Was your last New Year’s resolution not to smoke anymore, to eat less sweets, or to exercise more? And… did you succeed? Unfortunately, this is not just a question of self-discipline and willpower. No one ever consciously decides to eat as unhealthy as possible or to keep straightening their tie while giving a presentation.

Our consciousness, as well as our subconsciousness, has stored quite a number of behavioral patterns. That can be recognized by the fact that you cannot simply let go of them. Not even when they become annoying or have begun to limit the capacity to live well. Often the behavior is irrational and it’s difficult to comprehend why it is so difficult to break such patterns. Unpleasant behavior, which comes to light due to subconscious beliefs, can rarely be changed by making the mere conscious decision to do so. Smokers often say they don’t know why they smoke. Smoking is harmful to a person’s health, expensive, and does not offer a single advantage. Nevertheless, successfully quitting smoking rarely happens out of one’s own willpower or by making a conscious decision. If you no longer want to smoke, you need to communicate this decision not only to your consciousness but also to your subconsciousness. When under hypnosis, contact with the subconsciousness is made. For this reason, behavioral changes are possible within a short period of time. Hypnosis gets to the root of the behavioral problem, so to speak.

Changing Behavior – Why It Can Be So Difficult

From a different perspective, however, it may make sense that it is so difficult for us to rid ourselves of habits. In fact, routine is vital for human survival. Otherwise, we would be overwhelmed with the simplest everyday tasks. Fortunately, we can ride a bike, eat, shower, or listen to the radio without any problems and without constant euphoria or displeasure. Unfortunately, we can also smoke or eat unhealthy foods without constantly being influenced emotionally or cognitively. The neocortex and the limbic system, together with the FOXP2 gene, often join forces against us when it comes to getting rid of bad habits.

Behavioral Change – Hypnosis Helps

In recent years, hypnosis has developed into a strategy for behavioral change based on scientific studies and has been proven to help get rid of annoying habits. This does not only include the widely known hypnosis for quitting smoking or changing eating habits. Clenching your teeth when concentrating or going on recurring shopping escapades – hypnosis brings relief. Bad habits, which are tracked down in the subconscious, can be changed or broken completely.

The mechanisms of hypnosis are constantly being researched, which is why there are different theories. One of the theories says that a change in behavior is attributable to a moment of where hypnotizable (suggestible) people let go of their ego. The suggestions and images that are evoked are therefore not checked for social or future consequences or evaluated by the own self. Therefore, a changed self-image can be suggested to the hypnotized person. It is an ego that can behave differently than usual in future situations. According to another theory, letting go of the ego also has to do with the hypnotist. When in a hypnotized state, it is much easier for us to be aware of our behavior again and to change it in the long term.

The division into consciousness and the subconscious serve as an illustration and is of course not intended to explain all the processes of the complex human brain.

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It works

Can personally advise anyone who wants to stop smoking to do hypnosis. It works, at least for me it did. I was able to and hypnosis made me stand by my decisions.


Change Behavior With Hypnosis - Review by Robin

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