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Changing Habits: Break a Bad Habit

Hypnosis helps even if everything else fails.

James Braid

Become a Better Person Through Hypnosis

There is no such thing as the perfect person. Though some may be very sure of themselves, no one can actually get by without having bad habits. They can be such a part of us that they are the subject of discussion among family and friends. Most of the time, however, it is the habits which others may not even notice that we find the most annoying.

Say goodbye to your bad habits for good. Through our hypnosis, you can get rid of your negative behavior patterns. There’s no need to break all your bad habits. Changing a habit is sometimes all it takes.

Change Your Habits With Hypnosis

With our hypnosis, you can get rid of your bad habits and make long-lasting life changes. Many of our hypnotees are amazed at how quickly they have been able to break their negative behavior patterns.

What is an example of a bad habit? The list is nearly endless. One person might want to break a nervous tick or stop saying “Uhm” when speaking. Another might be tired of chewing pencils or biting their fingernails. Some feel like their life is a hamster wheel and that it is time to get off. There are many habits that we find annoying and limit our quality of life.

Quit Your Bad Habits, Once and for All

Do you ever believe you’ve got your bad habits under control but then notice them sneaking up on you every now and then? You wake up with a hangover even though you had sworn not to drink any alcohol? The sweets have again disappeared from the pantry? It’s already past midnight and you’re still glued to your Netflix series even though the plan was to go to the gym and to bed early?

If you want to change firmly established behavior patterns, you must act now. Our hypnosis helps you break your bad habits for good.

Get rid of your bad habits today.

Hypnocoaching is not a substitute for medical treatment. We do not diagnose any diseases or administer any medication. Everyone reacts differently to hypnosis, results can therefore vary. If you are currently being treated medically, you should not stop treatment without consulting your doctor beforehand.

In alphabetical order (A-Z)

Hypnose Coach Nicole Arzt M. A. 10117 Berlin Mitte
90431 Nuremberg




Nicole Arzt M. A.

Fee: € 500 VAT included
Initial consultation + 2x hypnosis

Hypnose Coach Matey Illiesu B. A. 10117 Berlin Mitte





Matey Illiesu B. A.

Fee: on request

4.7 out of 5 stars (based on 3 reviews)

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Only two sessions

I had only two sessions and I struggled with that bad habit (drinking too much alcohol) for decades. In the meantime, I drink only water during business occasions. Thanks to you!

Peter S.

Lost weight

Losing weight at Christmas time


I could never have done it alone.


Cleaning motivation

I often read and heard in the media about how hypnosis can increase your performance in your job, when exercising, or at school.

I wondered if hypnosis could be used to motivate me to do boring chores around the house. For me it was about dusting and cleaning windows. I hated these annoying, repetitive tasks.

My husband couldn’t stop laughing when I suggested my idea to him. He thought it was total nonsense. I did a lot of research online and wanted to go through with it. Well, it worked! LOL

Cleaning is annoying and you have to do it all the time. You can actually increase your motivation to do it, the effect lasts. For me it was worth every penny.

Christina T
Berlin Kreuzberg

Hypnosis to Change Your Habits - Review by Heidi
(English Subtitles Available)

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Hypnosis | Hypnocoaching

Health Center in the Friedrich Carré
Dorotheenstraße 56 | 10117 Berlin Mitte
Train Station: Berlin Friedrichstraße

Hypnosis Coaches – Contact and Appointments

Hypnocoaching is not a substitute for medical treatment. We do not diagnose any diseases or administer any medication. Everyone reacts differently to hypnosis, results can therefore vary. If you are currently being treated medically, you should not stop treatment without consulting your doctor beforehand.

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