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Hypnosis for Relaxation

Hypnosis helps even if everything else fails.

James Braid

Turn Your Inner Turmoil Into Inner Peace

In a world where pressure and stress take a hold of our everyday life, we tend to desperately search for a bit of peace and quiet. But how can we find it? Especially if there is no time for a spa weekend, and the racing thoughts in our head would continue to distract us anyway?

There is a simple solution for this problem, but you may have to rid yourself of some prejudices first. Using hypnosis for relaxation will allow you to turn your inner turmoil into inner peace within a matter of minutes.

Overcoming Prejudices

Those who seek relaxation do not have to flee to the countryside or a monastery. Deep relaxation can be achieved through hypnosis, and there is no need to be afraid of the experience. If you prefer, you can even bring a friend for support and to help overcome any skepticism. You must face your inner turmoil one day – living a life in compromise should not be an option. Life is much too short to deny yourself the inner peace that you could so easily achieve through hypnosis.

Hypnosis is not a state of unconsciousness. You will be aware of everything happening around you and will even be able to control your actions during the session. Those who decide on hypnosis say goodbye to their inner turmoil and start breathing in life again. A feeling of deep relaxation will be noticeable immediately after the hypnosis.

Hypnosis Is Deep Relaxation

Our Hypnosis can be seen as a mental holiday with all its benefits to your physical and mental health. Your immune system is strengthened and you can feel the tension easing in your body. You are left with a whole new attitude towards life, in which negative feelings and inner turmoil have no room. Our hypnosis will, therefore, be a pleasant experience – your daily strains will give way to the balanced life you have been longing for.

  • Finding and creating inner peace and start feeling calm again
  • Strengthening your immune system
  • Faster healing of bruises and injuries
  • Less fear and nervous energy in your life
  • Dissolving mental blocks
  • Releasing tension
  • A generally balanced feeling
  • Increased concentration and efficiency

    Hypnocoaching is not a substitute for medical treatment. We do not diagnose any diseases or administer any medication. Everyone reacts differently to hypnosis, results can therefore vary. If you are currently being treated medically, you should not stop treatment without consulting your doctor beforehand.

In alphabetical order (A-Z)

Hypnose Coach Nicole Arzt M. A. 10117 Berlin Mitte
90431 Nuremberg



Nicole Arzt M. A.

Fee: € 350 VAT included
Initial consultation + 1x hypnosis

Hypnose Coach Karsten Gall Dipl. 97421 Schweinfurt



Karsten Gall Dipl.

Fee: € 90 VAT included
One coaching session lasts up to 60 minutes

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 2 reviews)

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I didn't believe in hypnosis

And now I regret that I didn’t give it a try before. You cannot describe with words this kind of deep calm that you feel inside you.

Georgi H.


I was very relaxed during and at home, too. I will book another appointment.

The Hypnosis Portal with Excellent Reviews and Highest Quality Standards

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Hypnosis Coach Certificate by NGHGütesiegel des Deutschen Instituts für Klinische HypnoseHypnocoach Certified by DVHErfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Coaching Place Hypnose | HypnocoachingDeutscher Verband Hypnose

Coaching Place
Hypnosis | Hypnocoaching

Health Center in the Friedrich Carré
Dorotheenstraße 56 | 10117 Berlin Mitte
Train Station: Berlin Friedrichstraße

Hypnosis Coaches – Contact and Appointments

Hypnocoaching is not a substitute for medical treatment. We do not diagnose any diseases or administer any medication. Everyone reacts differently to hypnosis, results can therefore vary. If you are currently being treated medically, you should not stop treatment without consulting your doctor beforehand.

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